


Sunday, July 29, 2012

NuVerus Big Launch In Malaysia...1st 100 Founder Member Free for Registration

Nama: suhaimimarzuki
Email: suhaimimarzuki@yahoo.com.my
Website: http://www.nuverus.com/5430365
Tajuk: NuVerus Big Launch In Malaysia...1st 100 Founder Member Free for Registration
Iklan: Benefits of PreLaunch Associate
The title of PreLaunch Associate allows citizens of Malaysia to join during the exciting PreLaunch. PreLaunch Associates receive the first valuable positions in the downline or genealogy.
PreLaunch Associate enrollment includes:
•Priority Placement in the downline.
•Access to Personalized NuVerus Global website.
•Access to an Online Associate Management and Training Office.
•Start sponsoring additional PreLaunch Associates in Malaysia immediately.
•Immediately eligible for SPILL of additional PreLaunch Associates underneath you. SPILL of Associates in your downline can have a BIG impact on your monthly income with NuVerus.
* Sales and Commissions will begin at the official launch of NuVerus in Malaysia.

How to Place New Associates in your Dual Team Tree
There are two online applications for enrolling Associates (Website and Associate Office)
1) Your Online Office - Choose Placement on the Application.
To enroll an Associate in your country:
Login to your Associate Office, and look to the right side of the homepage. There is a link for enrolling new Associates in your country. This application in your Associate Office allows you to choose Left or Right Tree placement on the application.

To enroll an Associate in another country:
Example: You are a Malaysia Associate and you want to enroll a new Associate in Singapore.

Login to your Associate Office, and look to the right side of the homepage. There is a link for new Associates in other countries > Click Here to enroll in other countries > After clicking on this, choose the country you want to enroll the new associate in.
We suggest you enroll all new Associates via the application in your Associate Office so that you can choose the placement in your Tree.
2) The Website Application:
Use your NuVerus.com personalized web site. Prospects can use the 'Sign Up' link on the top of your website. If the website application is used, the placement of the new Associate in your Dual Team Tree will be based on the setting you have in your account settings for 'Placement Preference'.
Placement in the Dual Team Tree is set to auto-placement for all new Associates.
The Auto-placement will NOT work correctly until after the launch. If the setting is left on Auto-Placement, all new Associates will be placed on the same side of your Tree.
To use the website application correctly: Before enrolling a new Associate at the application on your website > Login to your office and go to 'My Business' then 'Placement Preference'. In this section you can set your placement preference for associates who use your website to enroll.
After the launch you will be required to have one active Associate (Monthly Order) on the left and right of your Dual Team Tree. Thus we encourage you to place at least 1 PreLaunch Associate on each side.
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